All doctoral research students at Sheffield Hallam University have the opportunity to develop a range of research, personal and professional skills during the course of their programme. Development needs are identified and jointly agreed with the supervisory team at the start of the research degree and should be regularly reviewed and updated as appropriate.
Look out for updates via the Friday email from the RESEARCH DEGREES blackboard site and check the Events Calendar for new sessions.
We aim to provide a blend of flexible, timely, relevant and applied skills training opportunities. Events form just one part of our offer, but hold significant value for community-building. The links below cover key areas to start exploring:
Planning your development – using the Researcher Development Framework to plan your professional development.
Events – the events calendar that will be updated throughout the year.
Research Methods – sources of support and training. Information on any discipline-specific training will be available through your local PGR team. See the Research Institute PGR Support Teams for contacts.
Research Ethics – including mandatory online training
Library Research Support – covers various aspects of literature searching, research data management, and publications.
Academic English for your Doctorate – non-credit bearing classes on practising and developing language and rhetoric to explain and present research.
The Skills Centre – covers critical reading, academic writing, literature review, reflective writing and referencing.
Careers – support available for all students and graduates who left up to 5 years ago.