To suggest additional resources for inclusion on the RIDA website please complete this MS Form. Please note you must be logged in using your usual Sheffield Hallam username and password to access the form.


Asynchronous Training
Research Data Management (login to Blackboard on another tab of your browser before clicking this link)
· What counts as research data; · Why manage research data; · Planning; · Managing: creating data / storing and backing up data / organising and documenting data;
· Archiving and sharing
Sheffield Hallam Guide to Remote Research advice on remote research for staff, Masters by Research students and doctoral researchers. Covers finding and accessing literature, data collection and data security.


LinkedIn Learning


Professional Services Support Teams
Sheffield Hallam Information Governance
Sheffield Hallam Library Research Support Team
Social Media

Synchronous Training (please check the Events Calendar for current availability)

LRST: Being An Influential Researcher 1
How and why you can use social media to promote your work and assess its impact. You’ll learn how to set up an engaging social media profile as a researcher, and how you can link this with other research tools such as ORCiD.

LRST: Being An Influential Researcher 2
Tips for sharing your work on social media, and how you can use Altmetrics to monitor the impact of yourself and others.

Elicit – search for research papers and find themes and concepts across many papers.
The LibraryThing App is an online service to help people catalog their books easily. You can access your catalog from anywhere—even on your mobile phone. Because everyone catalogs together, LibraryThing also connects people with the same books, comes up with suggestions for what to read next, and so forth.
Methods Map – great for getting an overview of different research approaches and finding associated literature.
Obsidian – Create an online knowledge base, mapping out and connecting key ideas for your thesis.  
Use Pocket for storing details of sites and papers
Project Planner – a reminder of the key steps for research projects.
ProQuest RefWorks is a reference management tool which supports you to collect, manage and organise research papers and documents. You can read, annotate, organise, and cite your research as well as collaborate with friends and colleagues by sharing collections. Everyone at Hallam is entitled to a RefWorks account which you can continue to use after you complete your studies. The Referencing guide has detailed information and guidance on using RefWorks.
ResearchRabbit – a novel way to search for papers and authors, monitor new literature, visualise research landscapes and collaborate with colleagues.
