To suggest additional resources for inclusion on the RIDA website please complete this MS Form. Please note you must be logged in using your usual Sheffield Hallam username and password to access the form.


Asynchronous Training

The Academic Digest is a monthly all-academic newsletter, full of key, timely and relevant content for academic and research colleagues. It is sent out at the beginning of every month.
Becoming A Successful Early Career Researcher, Eley, AR (2012)
Fulfilling The Potential Of Your Doctoral Experience, Denicolo, P et al (2018)
LinkedIn Learning
Join an EEDI Network – Our inclusion networks hold regular meetings as well as organise and take part in events and activities to raise awareness of equity, equality, diversity and inclusion issues. Some of the networks are aimed at staff only, some are aimed at both staff and students, but all provide safe welcoming spaces for people to meet, share ideas and experiences, and to inspire and support each other. They also provide opportunities for colleagues to be active and influential in decision-making processes and effecting positive change across the University.
Random Coffee – The scheme randomly pairs staff members every six to eight weeks and they then meet for a coffee (or any other drink) to allow them to find out more about each other and the different areas of the University. Meetups can take place in person or online, depending on each pair’s preference. 
Social Connections
Volunteering Opportunities

Professional Services Support Teams
Social Media

Synchronous Training (please check the Events Calendar for current availability)

Angel Productions – The UK Doctorate Video (32:24) – you must be logged in to Panopto using your usual Sheffield Hallam username and password to access this video. 
Mandatory Staff Training
PGR Induction
Planning Your Professional Development
Research and Innovation Services New Staff Pages
Research Excellence Framework
Staff Digital Induction
Training and Development for PGRs
University New Starter Staff Induction
Welcome to Sheffield