The Transforming Lives Fellowships programme is an exciting new opportunity for experienced and emerging leaders in research and innovation to join Sheffield Hallam University as professors or associate professors. Our Transforming Lives Fellows (TLFs) are developing areas of research and innovation across our four strategic areas of growth and are working with existing staff and businesses.

The Fellowship, provides protected time to ensure individuals can establish themselves as Research and Innovation (R&I) leaders at Sheffield Hallam. Initially fellows are supported to build their R&I portfolio and trajectory, by: making wide-ranging connections and collaborations; identifying and developing research opportunities, and submit bids for funding. By the end of their third year in post, the fellows are contributing to the entire academic endeavour, including interacting with our students.

Here you can meet our current TLFs:

College of Social Sciences and Arts

Jane Prophet: Professor of Professor of Arts-informed Health & Wellbeing

Jane’s arts-informed research enhances health and wellbeing. Her collaborations with neuroscientists, stem cell researchers, mathematicians, and heart surgeons often merge traditional and computational media. Listen to Jane’s BreakThru Research Podcast.

Elsbeth Robson: Professor of Human Geography

Elsbeth’s approach to research is trans and inter-disciplinary founded on working in collaborative teams to conduct impactful emancipatory research using qualitative, participatory and quantitative methods.

Helen Lomax: Professor of Childhood and Children’s Participation

Helen’s research is focused on understanding the everyday lives of children and  and families living in contexts of socio-economic disadvantage and the development of methods to enable their inclusion and voice in policymaking.

College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences

Liane Beretta de Azevedo: Professor of Public Health and Physical Activity

Liane’s research interest is public health, particularly in promoting health in young children. She has worked in many studies involving interventions with children, targeting increased physical activity and reduced sedentary behaviour. Listen to Liane’s BreakThru research podcast.

Nik Georgopoulos: Associate Professor of Cell Biology

Nik is a cell biologist with expertise in epithelial cell biology and immunology, as well as having a strong interest in understanding the mechanisms of diseases such as cancer, His main research focus is to utilise fundamental cell biology knowledge to design novel therapeutic interventions to combat disease and improve patient quality of life. Listen to Nik’s BreakThru Research Podcast.

Matt Hobbs: Associate Professor of Spatial Data Science and Planetary Health

Matt specialises in the intersection of environmental exposures, population health and geospatial analytics. His research focuses on the impacts of the environment, climate change, and ecological degradation on human behaviour and health, with an emphasis on equity.

College of Business, Technology and Engineering

Márjory Da Costa Abreu: Associate Professor of Ethical Artificial Intelligence

Márjory’s work centres on breaking down barriers in the ethical use of AI in different application areas, and on ensuring that Digital Literacy follows the advancement of technology. Her research crosses the application areas of health, forensics/surveillance, museum sector with a decolonial view, digital law, higher education, hate speech/fake news and biometrics. Listen to Márjory’s BreakThru Research Podcast.

Mulualem Gebregiorgis Gebreslassie: Associate Professor of Energy

Mulualem’s research focuses on project management, renewal energy development, energy conservation and management, grid and off-grid energy systems, energy access, transitions and policy. Listen to Mulualem’s BreakThru Research Podcast.

Luca Susmel: Professor of Structural Integrity

Luca’s research focuses on problems related to the structural assessment of engineering materials and components. He takes a conjoint theoretical and experimental approach to cracking problem sand all the design methods e has formalised so far have been fully validated through systematic experimental work. Listen to Luca’s BreakThru research podcast

Ning Wang: Associate Professor of Robotics and AI

Ning has extensive research and project experience in robotics, machine intelligence and technological innovation, focused on developing novel approaches and tools in Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) and Robot Learning.