To suggest additional resources for inclusion on the RIDA website please complete this MS Form. Please note you must be logged in using your usual Sheffield Hallam username and password to access the form.


Asynchronous Training
Advancing Your Research Career

A Jobseeker’s Diary: Unlocking Employment Secrets, Abou-Chahine, F, (2021)
Chasing Chickens: When Life After Higher Education Doesn’t Go The Way You Planned, Neff, RA (2019)
Developing Transferable Skills: Enhancing Your Research and Employment Potential, Denicolo, P, Reeves, J (2014)
Leaving Academia: A Practical Guide, Caterine, CL (2020)
Making It As A Contract Researcher: A Pragmatic Look At Precarious Work, Spina, N et al (2020)
So What Are You Going To Do With That? Finding Careers Outside Of Academia, Basalla, SE and Debelius, M (2015)
Succeeding Outside The Academy, Fruscione, J and Baker KJ (2018)
The Freelance Academic: Transform Your Creative Life And Career, Pryal, KRG (2019)
The Power Of A PhD: How Anyone Can Use Their PhD To Get Hired In Industry, Hankel, I (2023)
The Squiggly Career: Ditch The Ladder, Discover Opportunity, Design Your Career, Tupper, H and Ellis, S (2020)
What Color Is Your Parachute?: Your Guide To A Lifetime Of Meaningful Work And Career Success, Bolles, R (2022)
What Is Out There For Me?: The Landscape Of Post PhD Career Tracks, Bielczyk, N (2020)
LinkedIn Learning


Learning and Development Staff Funding Policy
Sheffield Hallam Academic Careers Framework
Professional Services Support Teams
Social Media

Synchronous Training (please check the Events Calendar for current availability)
CPD Recording in Core Portal

Get instant online careers support at Career Centre 360.
Search and apply for jobs on Handshake.
Elevator pitch builder– Create a 60-second summary about you to engage your audience.
Career assessments – Understand your motivations, preferences and values.
LinkedIn Networking tool – discover companies in a specific sector and identify people in certain roles.  
Postgradual – PhD careers tips.
Prosper – a free resource for postdoc career development, PGRs can register too and use the interactive Career Development Navigator tool.
SkillsCheck – self-assessment tool for academic skills with personalised action plan emailed to you afterwards.
Angel Productions – The What Next Video (30:27)  – you must be logged in to Panopto using your usual Sheffield Hallam username and password to access this video. 
Performance and Development Review (PDR)
Staff Learning and Development