To suggest additional resources for inclusion on the RIDA website please complete this MS Form. Please note you must be logged in using your usual Sheffield Hallam username and password to access the form.
Articles |
Asynchronous Training Statistical Methods for Research SAGE Research Methods (log in via institution) – a large online research methods library including a Methods Map UK Data Service Data Skills Modules |
Blogs |
Books |
LinkedIn Learning LinkedIn Learning has expert-led course videos and an app that you can use on your Android or Apple devices including Nvivo 2018 Essential Training and SPSS Statistics Essential Training. Please refer to the instructions on how to create your account. |
Opportunities |
Podcasts |
Policies |
Professional Services Support Teams |
Social Media |
Synchronous Training (please check the Events Calendar for current availability) Specific modules on the MRes Social Sciences programme may be available to you. |
Tools |
Videos You can find out more information about Quirkos software by watching this short video. |
Websites UK Data service guides and resources – the UK’s largest collection of social, economic and population data resources. |
Local provision may also be available via your Research Institute PGR team.